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Magic Mushrooms for Dummies
Seventeen Things You Really Need to Know

Now that science has finally caught up with the wisdom of the ages, let’s look at the facts, These are no longer party drugs, the rare ingredient found in magic mushrooms is a proven, non-addictive, life-changing substance.


Getting a little high might be very cool, but there is so much more for you to know about the most amazing natural ingredient you will only find in Magic Mushrooms.  


No Longer a Secret

The secret, magic molecule hidden deep inside each magic mushroom is actually called Psilocin.  What you mostly hear about is called Psilocybin, more on that later.


Mushroom Extract 

Eating mushrooms is old school.  Pure, natural mushroom extract is the only way to go, more about that later.


A Lot More than Getting You High

You may like to get a little high from time to time, but the lesser known benefits from Psilocin will last for up to a full month. 


Psilocin (pronounced Sill-ocin)

As we have already explained, almost no Psilocin occurs naturally in the Mushroom.  Psilocin is actually formed only after you eat the mushroom. Depending on the actual Mushroom, and also depending on your metabolism, you will get different amounts of Psilocin each time.  The science is exact, but your metabolism varies a great deal. When you eat magic mushrooms, your actual dose of Psilocin will always be different.


Since Psilocin is so important to your experience, and since it is very important to a wide range of health benefits, it is obviously important for you to know how to be sure about what you are actually getting. Understanding how to get a reliable dose of Psilocin is what you are looking for.


Different Varieties of Magic Mushrooms

You may have been told that there are many mystical ingredients found in different varieties of Magic Mushrooms.  The science, and the facts are really quite simple. Good mushrooms will metabolize into a good dose of Psilocin.  Poor quality Mushrooms will just make you sick.


Smaller Than the Size if a Grain of Rice

A true Heroic Dose from good mushrooms is a little over a tablespoon of ground up, dried mushroom powder.  Unfortunately over 99% of the what you are eating is just mushroom biomass, with no benefit for you.  Only a very small portion of the mushroom powder converts into Psilocin, amounting to a portion that is less than the size of a single grain of rice.


Natural, Pure Psilocin Extract

The best way to avoid the unpredictable nature of raw mushrooms is to find pure, natural extracted Psilocin. It can be hard to find, but the benefits are that you will have a much better experience. There are a just few places where it is available, we will make reference below. Either way, pure extracted Psilocin is the most remarkable, natural wonder supplement you are ever likely to have the good fortune to discover.


What is a Bad Experience?

Even if you are eating mushroom chocolate, the raw and dried mushrooms will probably make you mildly sick or nauseous.  Another problem is that you never know how active your mushroom dose is. Mushrooms vary a lot, the average mushroom is only one quarter as potent as a high quality, freshly dried mushroom. Unfortunately, mushrooms loose half their potency every 30 days after they have been harvested.


A better experience is mushroom extract. 

Mushroom extract doesn't loose it's potency, and it doesn't make you sick.  Extract is carefully pre-measured so you will be getting an exact dose of the active ingredient every time.  You will also find that extract is more enjoyable. The uptake is much faster, and there are no hangover after effects. 


The Real Thing

Once you have experienced a properly measured dose of Psilocin, no other life experience will ever seem the same again.  It is the real thing.


What is the Difference between Psilocin and Mushroom Extract?

Psilocin is doubly extracted, and highly purified mushroom extract. 


Psilocin Research

The actual benefits of Psilocin go a long way beyond getting a little high from time to time. Review the science and the studies and you will soon come to appreciate that Psilocin is not just a recreational experience. Psilocin is in fact, a life altering wonder supplement that will benefits to all aspects of your mental, and physical health.


In Summary

In summary, daily doses of Psilocin will protect you from cognitive decline. The bonus is that even very small doses of Psilocin will give you energy & stamina It will also reduce stress and effectively replace most anti-depressants.  Links to scientific studies in support of these benefits are referenced below.


What is a Daily Dose?

It is called micro dosing. A micro dose will usually be just half of a milligram of psilocin, usually in a tablet that can easily be swallowed, or will dissolve in water.  Micro doses can be taken daily, or even several times daily. Always consult with your medical professional before using any supplements including mushrooms, mushroom extracts or psilocin.


Beware of Counterfeits

As always, there are many counterfeit extracts that claim to be the same as Magic Mushrooms. The real reason to avoid them is that they are not adequately researched and can be harmful to you.  The best advice is to trust your medical professional, or whoever provides you with access to the product.  Finding a source for safe, natural pure Psilocin is well worth the extra effort. 


What to look for, and what to avoid

Good mushrooms from a trusted source, or a real extract from a trusted source will always be your best bet.  Growers, extractors and people who make edibles have access to labs that can test your mushrooms, or extracts before they deliver them to you.  Try to avoid edibles that have been made with chemicals that mimic mushrooms.  They are becoming increasingly common. We will include a section below that describes counterfeit chemicals and substances that try to mimic magic mushrooms.


More Topics

It’s not Psilocybin, it is Psilocin that you are looking for.

What is 4-AcO and why you don’t want it.

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National Library of Medicine


Links for additional information



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